
This site is not affiliated with BMW, BMWNA or M. This is a personal website. All the information contained herein is my opinion, which is based on personal experience and on what I have learned from books, periodicals and web-based media.

The contents of this site should be used at your own risk. I do not assume any responsibility for people misusing or misunderstanding the data on these pages. Every person should ultimately be responsible for his or her own actions. If you do not know what you're doing or do not feel comfortable with a procedure, then contact a professional. That's why they're in business.

For the content of linked webpages only the owners / webmasters of these pages are responsible. 

All matter contained in this website is, to the best of my knowledge, my own or part of the public domain. However, if you see something which you feel has not been properly referenced just tell me. 



E-Mail: horst.apfelthaler@utanet.at
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